
Challenge Achieved

Self-Improvement Social Network

11 ✅️📚

No Social Media week
5 tasks · 7 days
start on 5 Jul
Draw straight line
36500 Times · 365 days
start on 5 Jul
Spom classes
2333 Minut · 21 days
10 хв аудіобіблія
7 times a week · 31 days
start on 2 Jul

hello there :)

it’s been alot of days since i wrote here or used tthe app but i am doing good living,taking care of myself and going to therapy and more but now i should remember my main goal to get on track :)

Loose weight
-1 Kg · 28 days
7 times a week · 24 days
start on 27 Jun
Self love
48 tasks · 24 days
start on 27 Jun
Listen to a TED talk for 30 days
7 times a week · 30 days
start on 25 Jun
90 days learning Spanish everyday
7 times a week · 92 days
start on 25 Jun
Spend 30 min a day learning German
3 tasks · 36 days
start on 25 Jun
30 min reading
7 times a week · 30 days
start on 25 Jun
Find passion and life purpose
1 task · 28 days
start on 24 Jun
Lose 2 kgs in a month
6 tasks · 30 days
start on 23 Jun

  • 1 question ✅️
    Поясніть що означає ідентифікувати свою стать, національність, духовну та світоглядну позицію і як це впливає на поведінку, наприклад, у сім'ї.


hello there :)

so I was absent the last few days another lostness episode

how can we fix that?
the next two months i am taking a course on how to regulate my feeling and control my actions so we will try till we learn it completely

i am good today feeling alot of hope but i am afraid of myself because i know i am trying but i am losing the track alot of the time i hope that i change that in the near future or like now hehehe

hope you have a great day :)
